I reserve all the rights to my work unless stated otherwise.

AI/Machine learning Models:

I do NOT give permission for any AI/Machine Learning Models, this is a deliberate statement, and any use of my works in AI/ML training is a copyright infringement.

Any copyright infringement on my works made with AI/ML models can and will be taken to court.

Sharing on the internet

Because how garbage the opt-out system is, any re-posts of my work will require another opt-out manually from me, so please do so with care.

I am allowing re-posts and sharing of my work, but please try to share them in private groups or on places further from internet crawlers, but honestly I have given up on this aspect, do what you please and consider supporting me by leaving a bookmark/like.



AI 機械学習:拒否 ❌



友達とシェーア、グループとシェーア: okです ⭕️ 商業利用 拒否
AIとweb crawlerがよく絵盗むサイト:止めることはしないが、どうかお遠慮してください。🙇